Monday, July 23, 2012

Satan's Power

How much power dose he really have? Dose he have power of creation? Why give him all this power knowing he will use it to corrupt and destroy our people? These are only a few questions I have for my God concerning the sackcloth of our kind. We are the aliens in this universe unlike any other creation. With all the natural beauty why dose he allow Satan to exist freely? When I saw this image I thought to myself what if God gave Satan the ultimate power to create his own people? Knowing it will evolve into a living hell we are chosen to be special to God over all creation we are his chosen people because we will suffer greatly to fulfill his much greater cause of action. To create a living example of a people blindfolded to the one and only righteous creator Father Time himself. The question of his sole authority over all he creates needs a living example in order to create a footprint for the whole community of time to witness using history in today to warn the future. This one example will answer all future questions of Father Time's sole authority. Father Time will never display his wrath this way again one time will last forever.
Satan was given a six his power to create has a time limit 6000 years we are on the brink of self distruction will Father Time intervene and bring us home to the natural state of peace and beauty that exist here? Evil isn't all bad it can be an awe inspiring sight which is why God allowed it to exist in the first place. I have to believe God will save all that's good here and not destroy to spite Satan as many religions believe.
Satan is the kreator of chaos he defines pure evil verses the natural presence of evil itself. Saran is the only one going to hell he is the dragon the liar his false prophet are the lies he's told the two beast are the time it took to create the example and clean up the aftermath...Revelations King James!
That time has come don't fear the end as it marks a new beginning. 1996=6000 Gensis 4004BCE! Great things are coming! Rev.16:15 behold I come as a thief blessed is he that watchers and keep his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Maiden Ferguson*67

Christ is God in the flesh he didn't come to save us from sin through his death he came to suffer with us as he would not ask of us what he is not willing to give himself. He came to walk the path with us from the first to the last minute of a human being he lived on the image of his soldiers...he didn't come to save us but rather empower us to save ourselves.
My King James is very important to me but not in the way one might think? I'm well aware it's not reliable nor dose it make sense when reading cover to cover? The book of Revelations this is where God has kept me even as a child I wanted to understand this prophetecy ! If God needs me in other places he leads me there I've had many great personal revelations this way. This book has nothing to do with your salvation as Christ knows you have right to question it. The Trinity I believe in individual entities the father the son and the holy ghost who comes as a thief? I have to ask myself as a maiden where dose the mother fit into this trinity of the one true God? As a daughter where do I fit in? My faith in Christ will never be a compramise I will never turn on him but I often wonder if the purpose of a maiden is only to please the male? Is this why God created us? heart tells me no this is not why God gave man a woman you see he is in the image of himself and he can be to forgiving at times so he gave himself a companion to ensure proper justice this is why God gave a man a women to ensure proper justice.
We are here to suffer for a much greater cause of action not to be forgotten but reminded of Gods wrath one time one example of his power and authority. Mother Natures wrath will ensure justice and salvation to all that's good. So maybe I do have a place in this great plan to save my future.
Through my pink angel wings I hope to the true spirit of a mother she is both graceful and fierce with a zero tolerance for corruption! Once bound she is now loose with a wrath for Satan unlike any man has ever witnessed. Keep your eyes on Israel and the weather around the world God will soon take his companion to be his wife we are the children of this new family.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mayans 12/21/12...

In my search for truth I've explored all that exist. What defines evil for me is human sacrifice a practice that should not be. The Mayans were an evil people's who saw their own demise and foretold of the demise of their king Satan will conclude on 12/21 on 12/22 Christ will begin again! We are in the great tribulation as I speak the transfer of power from the evil forces of corruption to the rapture of survival under the good forces of natures natural presence...I believe we will conclude the first year of the seven year tribulation ? The first clues will be the earth itself as mother nature will take back what belongs to her...trumpet judgements keep your eyes on the weather in the next seven years we will experience a peak before a downside...nature has an amazing way of working things out in favor of life and eternity.
This tribulation also concludes the seven personages I have yet to travel beyond this point into the seven vials of the wrath of God? Seven last plagues on our people tthis is where we are being mislead these plagues won't be for all that exist but for only those who continue to follow Satans example?
The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world but only the end of the evil forces of Satan himself. I believe God created them for the purpose of this prophetesy and brought home in the angel whisper? They predicted the great tribulation of king James we are here! But do not fear as they only saw one side of this last battle with Satan himself to the good I say hold tight and stand your grounds your day is coming. To the evil I say beware your maker is here and he's not happy with your deeds.
Keep your eyes on the weather and Israel Solomon's temple?..sounding of the seventh trumpet? Dream lore?Gods habitat? This is what's coming I do not fear the end I embrace it as I know and understand my purpose in sackcloth this is what's ending if I am right I will be more than just another drastic to ignore as if I don't work hard enough to be a productive part of my world? If I am right about God as I've known him I am gifted if I am wrong then life really dosent mean much .
* butterflies victims rights let the battles begin! To be a survivor one must first be a victim of something it's time to stand in defense of the one who suffers the consequence of a crime one by one every victim will become a survivor that breaks the cycle itself preventing it from moving on?.. God Bless.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Buddha and the Christ

While searching for science of the sun my computer decided to search science of the mind not once but twice this is how I found this belief. At first glance the concept was rather soothing as this combination unites two powerful beliefs. They don't use the church to gather but prefer centers of worship they believe every man is responsible for himself. The Buddha nor the Christ is here to save you from anyone but yourself. The power of a mans mind isnt given the credit it deserves here you will find its of great concern.
The Buddha...he needs no God to tell him right from wrong...he is kind and humble but still strong and fierce...he was a man not a God with powers from within his inspiring the followers of Buddha from a follower of Christ your example is a must the balance you maintain supports the prophetecy at hand. The end is here but we've been mislead into believing all will be destroyed to build a new? Although I agree to some truth in this belief a righteous creator would never destroy the good to spite the evil! He would use the good to expose the evil sending it to the hell it deserves. Where dose your example come in? The path of the Buddha is the path Christ needs his followers on not to be exact but embrace the belief and Christ will expose how much is right for you.
Just because one knows how to fight dosent mean he should fight all the time, it dosent mean he can't be humble kind and moral, every man needs to know how to defend himself for he must be ready to fight the last battles of Gods war with Satan.
Stop trying to convert your neighbor and prepare yourself for what's coming.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wonder Woman

Women's place in a mans world? Where do we fit into Gods great plan?
Dose God have a wife? Maybe he saved the best for last?
As a little girl this was my strongest female role model instinctively I knew she was my example of a warrior and I must take notice! If my God had a wife she would be in the image of Wonder Woman. She is everything a mother might need to defend her children. She is kind and gentle but still strong in her convictions and firm with her character she is beautiful not weak... She is my hero!*67 maiden Ferguson

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Seed of Man

My personal view of religion and Israel?I have always been aware of the Jewish legacy through Christ the only father I ever knew I also knew I was a gentile and always wondered where do I fit in?When I was a little girl I carried with me everywhere my fathers feather pillow and my bible as a little girl I had nothing childhood was a very dark place I would never go back to. This is a brief history of my blind faith in the ghost of Christ and the reason I support my Jewish brothers quest for the temple on mt. Zion.The only thing that's changed is my view of the violence I understand the why's of the conflict and the passion behind the greater cause of action maybe if you stood still for just a moment your God would bring your enemy to you isn't that what he said he would do? You could pave the way for millions of Muslims and Christians alike a fair chance to survive in a world with a zero tolerance for violence or conflict where do I fit in? a childhood question to my God to the Jews and Muslims I am loathed for being a christian gentile to every religion I am a female my voice means nothing. My title...female christian gentile witness?...I pray I witness the day the temple returns to it's rightful owner Christ. Now where do I fit in?Where dose the female fit into a male dominated world?Dose God have a special plan for why she must be silenced?This is where I fit in Gods great plan for our people a story not to be forgotten but rather kept alive on display Gods wrath  one time only event as God will never use his strong arm again!
Do you know what happens to a man who abuses the seed of his family starting with his wife to his children their children...we are the answer to that question... the seed will destroy itself. As a female I say I don't have to take it! I have made a free will choice to take on both roles a mother and a father in order to inspire a change in the mind of the future fathers...if you want your seed to grow cherish and support it with great passion. I am the seed to a new family tree one that will flourish under a righteous method of rule.
  I am maiden Wimmer  Ferguson *67

Monday, April 16, 2012


After searching ford years for a title for my faith I've found I'm better off following the ghost religion that only requires my loyalty and a strict but simple moral code to my conduct. In my search of the many religions and beliefs I can now see the freedom of a faith that has no title the only church requirement is the heart. Now that I've done some research I'm relieved I don't have to deal with the conflicts of those who insist they are right everyone else is wrong so they fight and kill each other when the reality is they are all right to believe but no one man has the whole truth. The only ignorant believer is the one who believes he has a right to kill innocent people in the name of his faith! I have come to a greater understanding of the conflicts in Israel and I support her greater cause of action but in saying that millions of women and children are murdered because the fathers harbor terrorist. I have to ask myself how many of these women are in free will? How many are forced into that path that has no clear safe exit? Now I say to the Jewish army whom I support 100% if you be still for just a moment your god will bring radical Islam to you ex.14:14
He will fight for you and those women and children who have no choice but to die for a god who promises their father70 virgins?
To my Christian friends I plead the fifth as I follow my Christ on my terms. I don't need or want you're approval with the exception of my Tari we should start our own church just because we can and millions would find Christ that would have been judged otherwise.